Civilization, the most colossal, immoral, unreformable mistake ever made by human beings, is a prison. I naturally wish to escape this prison. But it's a diabolical prison! Its walls are composed of my inability to survive outside it. Civilization says, "What was once easy to procure, like your food and shelter and clothing, is now under lock and key. You must sell your life to civilization in return for what was once free to everyone. You must comply with this system because you are no longer capable of entering the wilderness and procuring your own free food, shelter, and clothing. If you do not comply, you are doomed to die. But don't fret, we know it seems like a rotten deal, but you get American Idol and Cool Ranch Doritos, so it's not that bad."
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Stealing Prison Items In Order To Escape
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