Saturday, November 25, 2006

Celebrity scandals aren't my usual beat, but this Michael Richards business piqued my interest. I don't think Richards is a racist. I think he's an intense person who flipped out and took out his rage in the lowest way he could -- that's how rage works. And I don't think his remorse is an act.


  1. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I have to disagree. Supposedly, this isn't the first time that he's gone on a diatribe. From what I've seen, he's also been guilty of saying some rather anti-Semitic comments as well.

    Despite what some folks say, rage and/or drunkeness (say in Mel Gibson's case), makes one more susceptible to say things that they might not normally say in day to day conversation, but in an instance where things are less inhibitive, all hell breaks loose.

    While I despise the fact that the ultimate ambulance chaser, (aka Gloria Allred), is representing the men the bore the brunt of the abuse that Richard's heaped upon them, what happened was totally uncalled for, and completely inexcusable.

    And I don't buy Richard's "remorseful" apology, either.

  2. what happened was totally uncalled for, and completely inexcusable.

    I agree with you there. I'm *not* apologizing for Richards. But I do sympathize -- to an extent.

  3. Anonymous12:14 AM

    he just flipped, he wouldnt do that.

  4. Maybe he's just another low-life who's got his ass in a knot. I heard that he's gone off on an old lady before, too. wtf?!

  5. I have a hard time believing dude's a racist. If he is, it must have been torture for him to work on the set of Seinfeld for all those years.
