Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm not privy to all the details -- nor do I especially want to be -- but the Jerk Across the Hall situation has escalated since the last post. It extends beyond loud "music" to threatened assault, and now, apparently, a police manhunt.

I'm not the one being threatened -- at least, not directly -- but it's bedlam here. Lots of shouting and slamming doors. Two police cars just left. Some sort of counselor is across the hall chatting with one of the Jerk's female cohorts . . . only I no longer know who the Jerk is, exactly. My impression is that the guy threatening murder (he's already busted a door) is the lease-holder's brother, in which case no one gets evicted and I'm stuck with the noise.

So if I'm lucky tensions will flare and my neighbor will try to kill someone (preferably not me) and he'll join his brother in jail right in time for Christmas . . . and then some gorgeous woman with a preference for shy, bespectacled bloggers will move in.

In the meantime, let me go on record: I hate Independence, Missouri. If you don't live here, stay away. And if you do . . . run! Run for your lives!

Note: I forgot to mention that I've been forced to endure this circus at close range because I'm snowed in. We had a small but significant ice-storm yesterday and my car is sheathed in snow.


  1. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Wow. What a circus. I can only ghope that this bunch gets out of your hair real soon.

    Good luck with the future gorgeous woman, BTW. ;-)

  2. The show isn't over yet. I wish we had an Idiot Police that you could call who would come and just get rid of everybody, no questions asked.

    Oh, wait -- Hitler had that, didn't he?

  3. Anonymous11:02 PM

    escape to seattle mac,

    our snow is melting as we speak.

  4. If your car is covered, your neighbor can't find it either. Let that be your Happy Thought for the day.

  5. people - they're a waste of good thinking time.

  6. OK, well it looks like the bad guy has been arrested and the noise is gone. I'm putting this shit behind me.

    people - they're a waste of good thinking time.

    All too often, unfortunately. But there are exceptions.

  7. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Good deal. Here's wishing you some peace and quiet.
