Saturday, November 25, 2006

What a mess. I decided against calling the police and instead called my apartment manager's pager. Let her handle this. As I was explaining my concerns, a lunkhead I'd never even seen before knocked on my door and drunkenly advised me to "chill" and "go to bed," all the while talking on a cellphone.

If I had qualms about calling the police, the manager didn't. Fifteen minutes later they came -- but by then, frustratingly enough, the party had dispersed and the music had been turned down to a tolerable level.

So now I'm pretty sure I'm a marked man. I learned from the manager that another tenant had also complained today -- after knocking on the Jerk Across the Hall's door to no avail. So, theoretically, he doesn't know for sure which one of us alerted the police. But if he has any brains whatsoever -- and I'm fully aware he might not -- he'll realize it's me.

Now I'm seriously afraid to leave my apartment (and my cats) alone unprotected. So unless he fucks up again and gets evicted (an option my manager volunteered), it's back to waking up at 3:00 in the morning to the bone-rattling fracas of first-person shooter games.


  1. Anonymous12:24 AM

    ...but by then, frustratingly enough, the party had dispersed and the music had been turned down to a tolerable level.

    Ahh...isn't that always the way things work out?

  2. Ahh...isn't that always the way things work out?

    I've been listening to them merrily relating the police visit to their friends (who have since returned). It's like we're in the same damned room, they're so loud...

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Wow, I'm sorry to hear this. At least it's not just you complaining, so I'd imagine it's only a matter of time until he's gone. Good luck.

  4. I know what you're saying about worrying for your cats. Hope this a-hole doesn't try anything.

  5. They're at it again as I type. Morons. Thinking is effectively impossible -- but then again, isn't that the point of "home entertainment systems"?

    There's a chance they might get the boot. In the meantime I'm staying out of it and crossing my fingers.

  6. Mac:

    Even in a podunk like Plattsburgh there is an ordinance against noise, 11 PM to 6 AM being the magic hours for quiet. Your city must have a similar ordinance.

    Call the cops. I did one time in another place where I lived and they told the assholes upstairs to quiet down. After the cops left, they started up again. So I called the PD a second time and when the same officers returned, they read the riot act. No problems after that.

    Do the assholes next to you have a police scanner or some way of knowing when the cops show up? If they're not being tipped off, then the police should catch them in the act.

    I can understand your concern about these assholes doing something to you, your property, or your pets. But maybe you're being too cautious. Fear is giving them power over you.

    Also, if you them keep getting at you, forcing you to lose your temper, you might overreact and do something that will lessen your case against them. Let the cops handle it.

    The reason why these assholes are making so much noise is because you and the other tenants in the building are allowing them to bully you. Unless these guys are packing heat, call their bluff. And if they are, once again let the cops handle it. [G]

    If the noisy assholes sense intimidation in you, they won’t stop. And maybe they’re spoiling for a fight, hoping to bait you into a bad situation. That’s the way it is with bullies. Stand up for your rights, but don’t go apeshit.



  7. See new post. I think things are taking a turn for the better.

    The galling thing is that I've been reasonable and polite. I never went behind the guy's back until he decided to mock me.

    My apt. manager (and the police) get paid to deal with stuff like this; I don't.
