Sunday, December 17, 2006

Concern over Europe 'snow crisis'

Unseasonably warm conditions across Europe are being greeted with a mixture of disbelief and despair by those who normally rely on cold winters. James Cove and James Rodgers assess the winter weather.

Image taken 8 December shows the French Alps with little snow
The French Alps are uncharacteristically lacking in snow
Ski resorts across the European Alps are becoming increasingly worried as current bad snow conditions threaten the all important Christmas holiday period.

This autumn has been one of the worst on record with high temperatures and little snowfall.


  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    This reminds me of the way water on a beach will recede prior to the arrival of a tsunami - in this case, a tsunami of ice.

  2. Normally here in Vermont we'd be freezing our asses off by now and plowing through three feet of snow. Instead, it's 48 degrees F. At night.

  3. Found a couple of salamanders on the front steps this week, here in upstate NY.

  4. I remember "normal" Missouri winters from my childhood. No more. Hell, I wore a T-shirt the other day and rolled down the windows in my car.

    Of course, some think this is just super. Especially those of us without driveways. I don't think we'll think it's super 40 years from now -- which, as far as I'm concerned, is just around the corner.

  5. Any sylphs, undines, or gnomes?

    Believe it or not, cryptoterrestrials and global warming is an issue I address in my book. :-)
