Saturday, December 09, 2006

Let's "face" it: The Cydonia Face is not pareidolia

This viewing angle makes it difficult to recognize individual facial features, and also makes the symmetric mesa wall-enclosure less conspicuous. The net effect is a far more natural appearance than in any actual spacecraft image or in any processed images except the 1998 press release from JPL, for which the posted recipe consisted of passing the actual spacecraft image through high-pass and low-pass filters and averaging the two filtered images.


  1. There's a middle ground -- willful ignorance. Perhaps they don't know the face is artificial, but only because they refuse to seriously look at any evidence that carries the risk of convincing themselves. This kind of thing seems to be part of basic human nature, and is particularly strong in small groups of specialists. Many aspects of NASA behavior seem in line with this notion.

    Merely having ot admit (to themselves) that their beliefs are wrong is a potent motive to remain intentionally ignorant. We don't even have to go as far as claiming money as a motive.

    Of course, they could use the same argument against those of us who think something's really there.

  2. Can't argue with that logic, W.M. It sounds solid to me.

    There may also be little bit of everything going on. Conspiracies cannot consist of large numbers of conspirators and remain secret. The indisputably true Really Big Conspiracies in history all involve a small number of actual in-the-know conspirators, and a large number of dupes. Most of the dupes who are close to the inside intentionally remain ignorant of the larger scheme because its in their personal interest to do so (as Sgt. Schulz says, "I know nothing!") for one reason or another.

  3. There's a middle ground -- willful ignorance. Perhaps they don't know the face is artificial, but only because they refuse to seriously look at any evidence that carries the risk of convincing themselves. This kind of thing seems to be part of basic human nature, and is particularly strong in small groups of specialists. Many aspects of NASA behavior seem in line with this notion.

    I think this model fits the evidence better than any other "conspiracy."

    I admit to a certain sympathy for JPL in the sense that their dealings with the "pro-Face" argument has been limited, for the most part, to fanatics. What better way to divert attention from a potentially explosive discovery?

  4. Maybe part of the problem is that many of those who see the Face as possibly an artifact of intelligent construction are also aware of JPL's history.

    Having the founder of the Jet Propulsion Lab be Jack Parsons, who practiced black magick sex rituals with L. Ron Hubbard before he invented Scientology, has got to be a major embarassment for them. No wonder they don't want to talk with us. ;)
