Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Own a piece of cattle-mutilation history . . . just in time for the holidays!

Horse that launched animal-mutilation UFO lore lands on eBay

Lewis told the world media there was a strange, sweet odor that she likened to incense on the rural ranch in the area where Snippy's remains were found.

The stories grew - the heart and brain were missing, too - and Snippy became the first reported case of animal mutilation by visitors from space.

Snippy, or Snippy's skeleton, dropped out of sight for decades, only to surface last week on eBay with a minimum bid of $50,000.

1 comment:

  1. There's a huge commonality between some recurring UFO themes and urban legends. But I'm not sure I know of any individual sightings that fit this pattern; it's more mythic in scope. Like, there underground base where the Grays live and the government's helping them ... that sort of thing, where layers of detail accrete seemingly out of nowhere,
