Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Peter Gabriel: "Shock the Monkey"


  1. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Despite the fact that this particular video won't play for me past 11 seconds, I've long held that this is one of Peter Gabriel's best. He's always had a quite interesting vision.

  2. I refer you to this: Gabriel Re-Shocks the Monkey Online

    Wah wah whaaaa! Wah wah whaaaaa! Shock the monkey tonight.

  3. Peter Gabriel is one of my favorites and I consider "So" absolutely indispensable.

  4. Gabriel is great - my fave (hard to choose, but...) has always been "Here Comes the Flood", with "I Don't Remember" a close second.

    The interesting thing is that both he and Genesis went on to have successful careers after they parted ways - probably far more successful than if they had stayed together. That's rare in the music business, where a split is a win-win for both parties (ask Art Garfunkel).

