Monday, January 29, 2007

13 Pct of Americans not Heard of Global Warming - Report

Thirteen percent of Americans have never heard of global warming even though their country is the world's top source of greenhouse gases, a 46-country survey showed on Monday.

Jesus. Thirteen percent of Americans are blissfully ignorant of the central problem facing the 21st century.

Once again: Jesus!


  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Thirteen percent pf Americans don't know anything about ANYTHING. (Unfortunately, our Dear Leader falls in this category.)

    w_m_bear posting as Anon

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    "Jesus" might actually be part of the problem.

  3. Actually, I'm really encrouraged by this statistic.

    The cup is half-full, huh?

    Man, I hate optimists! ;-)

  4. "Jesus" might actually be part of the problem.

    I consider that a safe bet.

  5. the central problem facing the 21st century?

    ...that's a very human, emotional statement, not at all befitting the name of your blog.

    I'm more inclined to believe that the global warming movement, and things like Kyoto, will turn out to be this era's witch trials.

    There's no shortage of real and potential things on the horizon (and closer) to be scared of, if that's what you're looking for...
