Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I'm on the mend. My fever burned itself out sometime last night, leaving me tired and congested but able to perform minor tasks (besides updating this blog) and -- better yet -- actually taste my food. I celebrated by going out to eat.

I'm vaguely assembling a "to-read" list in my mind, knowing perfectly well it's more of a general guide than an actual list. (I read less in 2006 than I'm happy admitting.)

Steve Erickson's "Our Ecstatic Days" gets near-top fiction billing, as do "Schild's Ladder" and "Diaspora" by Greg Egan. I also want to get at least somewhat up-to-speed with Alastair Reynolds. Must-read short-story collections include "Visionary in Residence" by Bruce Sterling and "Mad Professor" by Rudy Rucker.

And I really, really need to catch up with Richard K. Morgan and see what the fuss about Elizabeth Bear is all about. Oh, and Paul J. McAuley -- I've managed to neglect him as well.

Nonfiction-wise, I suppose I'll read "The Singularity is Near" -- kind of an intellectual obligation -- and Dawkins' "The God Delusion." "Fortean" writers on my list include Graham Hancock and Terence McKenna.


  1. Anonymous10:01 PM


    Good to hear you're on the mend!

    Happy New Year!!


  2. 2007 can only get worse! ;-)

  3. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Two words for you...

    Oh Canada!



  4. Skip Bear to the top of your list. Reynolds can wait; he sucks at endings.
