Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Just when you thought it couldn't get any weirder . . .

UFO Zombies

Now, skeptics and debunkers will say that the rising image of the zombie within alien abduction account is merely a reflection of a fear that we really are becoming a form of zombie: one obsessed by TV, food, and not much else. Those same skeptics and debunkers might also say that the introduction of a "virus angle" to the abduction controversy is borne out of a very real fear (conscious and unconscious) of a post-911 bio-attack by terrrorists. And those skeptics and debunkers may be right.

But, this situation is increasing. Are we seeing a new trend in abductions that is directly borne out of fears relating to the way in which our world is changing? Or, are the abductees seeing a glimpse of a dark, strange future that awaits us all? Most might say the former. Some will say the latter. I say: wait and see. Part of me secretly and weirdly hopes it really might be the latter.

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