Thursday, January 25, 2007

Only one thing about the new Blogger that promises to be really annoying: it randomly inserts cheesecake photos.


  1. Alien vixen transmuting the with the elements surrounding her. This is not cheese cake at all, it is a study on how one might extract the minerals directly throough the skin by massaging it directly into the flesh...

  2. Typhon--

    Exactly. At least *somebody* got it! Ad astra!

  3. Anonymous1:23 AM

    This is not cheese cake at all, it is a study on how one might extract the minerals directly throough the skin by massaging it directly into the flesh...

    Oh. So it's not some poor woman breaking out with the Black Death. That's a relief!


  4. I can see how that might be really annoying.

    Why, the poor lass seems to be having her right hip bone about to pierce her skin. Or is it a Goa'uld symbiont? Or a penis transplant that got botched?

    And while I've see a great many perverse things on the net in my time (strictly for research purposes, I assure you), I've never seen a mildew fetish before.

    Didn't her mama tell her to change her undies occasionally?

  5. Carol,

    Take your issues elsewhere -- perhaps one of your own blogs?

  6. The rest of you were joking about her -- I wasn't allowed to joke too? Only people who agree with you can post?

    Looking closer at this photo, I apologize for joking about this woman, because it isn't actually a laughing matter.

    So you think there's issues about this photo? I'll give you the issues.

    She shows classic signs of anorexia nervosa.

    One study on mortality rates from anorexia says that it has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder. I had one acquaintance from high school who developed it in her freshman year of college. When she got to the point when she realized she needed help, she was down to only eating 4 apples a day, and it was too late to bring her back from the edge. A relative of mine has been in intense therapy for anorexia for the past year, and came real, real close to needing to be hospitalized.

    Look at how sunken her neck is, with the muscles standing out. See how her clavicle is jutting out. The lower left edge of her ribcage is showing. Her right hip bone is sticking out so far that the right waistband of her panties is actually hooking underneath it. See the deep shadow behind that part of the waistband? That's because that area of the pelvis is sunken in, leaving the elastic stretched over the gap.

    If anybody here thinks anorexia is sexy, it's not me who's got some issues that need to be dealt with.

  7. Look at how sunken her neck is, with the muscles standing out.

    Um... I don't see any muscles standing out that shouldn't be, given that she's *arching her neck*.

    See how her clavicle is jutting out.

    There's no reason her clavicle shouldn't be visible. I'm afraid "jutting," as you put it, is in the eye of the beholder.

    The lower left edge of her ribcage is showing.

    Heaven forbid. For god's sake, *my* ribcage shows. No one's accusing me of having a psychiatric problem.

    If anybody here thinks anorexia is sexy, it's not me who's got some issues that need to be dealt with.

    Well, I guess we're all just a bunch of misogynist sickos, Carol.

    I'm honestly sorry about your high-school friend, but the woman in the picture, while thin, is a far cry from anorexic -- and I resent your intimation that some sort of malignant fetishist.

    Why don't you take my previous advice and take your act somewhere else?
