Saturday, January 06, 2007

UAVs And The Flatwoods Monster

Commenter Bill Hancock pointed out the similarities of the "Guardian" UAV in my last post to recently re-rendered paintings of the famous Flatwoods (WV) Monster. I checked, and damned if it doesn't look like a UAV staring out at us from fifty years ago. What are we to make of this?

Good catch!


  1. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Mac --

    All I can say is that I have yet to meet a UAV that wears a skirt.


  2. Check out the graphic on Greg's blog. There's an intriguing similarity.

  3. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Mac --

    I did. Haven't read Feschino's book, but the idea of reducing the Flatwoods Monster to something mechanical takes some of the romance/ charm out of the story.

    Oh well.


  4. even taking the "revised" drawing into account it still seems like a tenuous resemblance, at best.

    that said, the flatwoods monster does seem like it could have been a mechanical being or device. i doubt it was a UAV though! at least a man-made one...bwhahahahaha

  5. You've got more comments on your blog about this than I do on ufomystic!

    Yeah, it's tenuous, but fun to think about, I guess. Think of it as an excercise in mythmaking, or an idea for fiction. I think W.S. Burroughs would be proud.

  6. well the reconstructed drawing (allegedly closer to what the witnesses saw) posted on greg's site does more closely resemble a machine than the classic illustration seen above.

  7. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Something that "hisses" and emits a smell "like oil on hot metal" certainly sounds more mechanical than biological, though not sophisticated enough to have come from an ETI. Maybe it was an early prototype UAV that was shelved and then R&D was resumed following suitable technological advances in the intervening years. It may sound incredible but not nearly as incredible as CSICOP's barn owl theory! ;)

  8. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I've always thought the most likely explantion for the Flatwoods Monster was some kind of robotic/government/military object. A experimental craft or monitoring device, or an exerice in mind control (while I like that one for Mothman I don't think it's all that likely for this) -- anyway, something like that.

    I haven't read Feschino's book but it's on the list. (that long, never ending, list. . .)

  9. Anonymous7:21 PM

    I read your post on this on your blog but for some reason, have trouble commenting over there. It won't let through. Good post and I enjoyed it.

    (by the way, I received Project Beta for a Xmas gift! Looking forward to reading it)

  10. Ecks--

    "Tom Servo" looks quite a bit like Mr. Flatwoods himself...

  11. Something that "hisses" and emits a smell "like oil on hot metal" certainly sounds more mechanical than biological, though not sophisticated enough to have come from an ETI.

    why not? (not that i necessarily think this was an ET event.)

    weird smells of all sorts have been long been associated with UFO sightings.

    another interesting account from the comments section in UFOmystic:

    One of the principals in my documentary, The Mothman’s Photographer, saw something like that UAV in 1967 in Charleston, WV. In that case I myself saw the marks in the ground afterward, myself. The odd thing is that another neighbor, Harriet Plumbrook, saw a cigar-shaped UFO in the same spot and later, an almost identical reprise of the Flatwoods monster. She says it morphed into something akin to the Virgin Mary. This was at the same spot that I later saw an entity of some kind exit from a tree.

  12. that makes me wonder: has anyone ever spotted the flatwoods monster in a tortilla chip? a whole new avenue of research, available at the local supermarket!


  13. has anyone ever spotted the flatwoods monster in a tortilla chip?

    I, for one, will be on the lookout! :-)

  14. r. lee,

    Hope you enjoy the book!

    Someone on ufomystic pointed out that there was another case the next day in the same area where witnesses smelled an odor like "ether and sulfur." It sure was a smelly couple o'days there in WV.
