Saturday, May 19, 2007

Posthuman Blues is going on hiatus. Probably not a long one, nor a total blackout. But posting may become relatively infrequent, at least for a while.

Nothing's wrong, by the way; I'm just unusually busy. For starters, I need to finish writing "The Cryptoterrestrials" -- which, contrary to appearances, I haven't forgotten, although I confess to becoming somewhat derailed. (Fucking tinnitus.)

And I've got a play to write, and at least one fiction idea I'd like to pursue.



  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Mac, I will miss the blog. As far as I can see, this cryptoterrestrial explanation of UFO phenomena is your original idea, is that right?

    The Hopkinsville case is definitely disturbing.

  2. W--

    Don't miss the blog too much, because I'm not abandoning it -- just slacking off a it.

    Several others have advanced ideas that are important to the Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis, but to the best to my knowledge my particular synthesis is unique and possibly the most "ufological." Time will tell.

  3. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Say it ain't so, Mac. (Actually, I've noticed just the opposite seems to be the case, hee hee.)

    --WMB as Anon

  4. Mac, I can understand your hiatus. I'm going to put a temporary kibosh on my blog ( because of: 1) a book project, and 2) things like spending time with my family and going to a ball game.

    I enjoy your work and look forward to your thoughts on the universe when you return.

    Jason Offutt
