Thursday, July 19, 2007

Another reason to never again set foot in a Wal-Mart . . .

(Thanks, Chapel Perilous!)


  1. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Those Bible figures would so get their ass handed to them by my G.I. Joe figures.

  2. Oh, yeah? Well, my glow-in-the-dark plastic aliens could kick Jesus' ass *and* G.I. Joe's ass!

  3. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Oh, really!? Bet my dynamic, robotic, hand-built, RC-controlled Cthulu could take all o' you human and humanoid action figures in an unfair fight! Bring it on!!!

    Do not trifle with the eldritch Old Ones of the Rift! Or we'll do to you what we did to H.P. Lovecraft for revealing our presence! AaooorrrRRGGHHH! Ahem. (cough) Sorry about that. Hard to control the "old ways", sometimes...

    Oh, and check the graphic of two men fighting on the home page of the site and company concerned, one2believe .com--notice how the christian warrior has an invisible knife to the throat of his heathen enemy? His clenched hand is perfectly designed to hold a small toy shiv, great for slashing throats of the unbelievers! He can even hold a nice spear or sword in his other hand to finish the job--lethal accessories not included--sold separately by the lord's own religiously violent action figures for your Jesus-programmed children to play with today! Get yours at Wal-Mart, your local Satanic mass consumer outlet NOW! GOD COMMANDS IT!!!

    Jezuz F. Christo in a Twisto--the pict of the two action figures on the site of the manufacturer look like a couple "leathermen" being overly affectionate on Castro in SF. I don't know if that was really intended or not. 8^) ~~~ }^8

  4. You know what? Let them sell those action figures. And let the Christian parents all over the country go and buy them for their kids. Let them spends tons of cash and drain their checking accounts for religious products marketed by the corporate world dressed as Christian emissaries.

    In the words of Lestat, "It's so easy, you almost feel sorry for them."

  5. Unless Jesus has a missile launching/gattling gun arm, I'm not interested.

  6. Unless Jesus has a missile launching/gattling gun arm, I'm not interested.

    I'm afraid that's sold separately.

  7. Anonymous2:10 PM

    A 12-inch tall, talking Jesus doll! Works for me. Pull its string and you get the Sermon on the Mount.

  8. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Profit from the Prophet! Jesus would SO love that idea.
