Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Here are the MUFON 2007 International UFO Symposium Proceedings in convenient (?) PDF form. A must if you want the real story behind the MJ-12 documents.

(Thanks: The Anomalist.)


  1. Anonymous10:59 AM

    "Here are the MUFON 2007 International UFO Symposium Proceedings in convenient (?) PDF form. A must if you want the real story behind the MJ-12 documents."
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Actually, this link is only for Brad Sparks' 70-page analysis of the origins, history, sources, and intent of the MJ-12 hoax, as presented this past weekend at the annual MUFON Symposium, not the entire proceedings themselves, which will be available in printed form for purchase sometime later.

    It's also not the complete or necessarily "real" story--while it was indicated Barry Greenwood ("Clear Intent", CAUS, UHR, etc.) is co-author, he requested his name be taken off the paper, but MUFON said it was too late as printed materials had already been done for the Symposium.

    While Sparks' paper is the best, most detailed, and thoroughly-researched presentation on MJ-12 so far, and had major input from Greenwood, there is a disagreement as to why Doty originated it, and whether, as Sparks claims, it was an AFOSI plan to disinform, discredit, and manipulate various ufologists as part of an authorized USG psyop, or, as Greenwood suggests, an initially fictional effort by Doty personally to profit from the gullibility of the same ufo researchers, including Bill Moore, Stanton Friedman, Howe, et al, and which transmuted into something else over time and which became a useful tool for lower-level AFOSI personnel at Kirtland to then disinform and distract Bennewitz, among others, before and since then.

    I have yet to read Sparks' paper (I have a persistent problem with unrecoverable script errors in IE 7 when trying to open .pdf files with Adobe Reader 8.1--can anybody make this paper of Sparks' available in html format and post here where it will be available?).

    Since I am in touch with both Sparks and Greenwood, and want to analyze their respective differing conclusions about whether MJ-12 was a subsequently USG-authorized ploy, or not, when I have spoken further to both, I will report my findings here when available. I don't know who is correct in their conclusions as yet--hopefully, this can be resolved one way or the other. I suspect "the truth" insofar as it can be determined, comes down somewhere between the two differing conclusions, but that's just speculation at the moment.

    One of the primary missing pieces is what USAF Intelligence and the AFOSI subdivision knows about how far up the chain of command authorization may have gone, and on what legal basis, if there was one.

    To me, that would be most interesting to find out, but the USAF is notorious, like the CIA, for delaying for years, redacting heavily, or just refusing to release or declassify "operational files", which are "exempt" under the moth-eaten FOIA/PA laws, whose enforcement and response time has sadly deteriorated since the Republican takeover in 1994 of Congress, and accelerated under Bush, especially since 9/11/2001 and as a result of the Patriot Act provisions affecting same. OTOH, these exemption provisions, under law, are not allowed to be used to cover up either "illegal" or "embarrassing" acts, but so what?

    While there is movement in Congress to make the response time to FOIA/PA/MDR's more rapid, it's just window-dressing, as there are no real inclusions in the pending law for strengthening and actually overseeing proper compliance to the old or new laws. Tepid game-playing and posturing is the new rule of law, folks. Genuine justice is not part of the equation any more, IMHO.

    The law still has to reconciled between the Senate and House versions, come out of Congress, and then guess who has to sign off on it for the executive branch for it to become law? Yep, the Bushman. Considering his most recent success in jawboning and intimidating the majority Democrats in Congress over the renewed, retroactive legalization of warrantless wiretapping, and expansion without adequate oversight of same, I'm not real hopeful the truth about MJ-12 buried within the USAF will come out anytime soon, if ever.

    Not to mention abuse of the "internal decisional files" exemptions, "executive privilege", "state secrets" provisions, and Bush's use of "signing statements" for refuting secretly as needed whatever he does sign off on for public, political consumption.

    The laws on declassification have become just more/new "swiss cheese", with more loopholes than content, in part to cover up illegal, immoral, and unethical acts by the military/intell/corporate/USG complex. Fucking lousy cowards! Pardon my pragmatic cynicism...8^(

  2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Eh, I resolved my pdf file problem.
    I'm now reading the paper. It's very interesting, so far. I recommend all seriously interested in ufology to read it very carefully. Many lessons and revelations are included and documented. Sparks and Greenwood are hellaciously thorough ufo researchers, I must say.

  3. Anonymous2:55 AM

    OK, here's some of the basis for the "difference of opinion" between Sparks and Greenwood--


    (Mary Castner comment defending Barry Greenwood)


    (Brad Sparks reply to Mary Castner, with background comment as to how paper originated)

    Hmmm...this could get rather messy.
