Thursday, August 23, 2007

Infectious Diseases Spreading Faster Than Ever - UN

In its annual World Health Report, the United Nations agency warned there was a good possibility that another major scourge like AIDS, SARS or Ebola fever with the potential of killing millions would appear in the coming years.

"Infectious diseases are now spreading geographically much faster than at any time in history," the WHO said.


  1. Anonymous12:41 PM

    As the Earth gets warmer the disinfective role of cold weather decreases, shorter hibernation periods also means insect and animal populations also increase. Of course, lets not forget the western nations efforts at multicultural societies that introduce diseases into a basically sterile homogeneous population. Ask the Aztecs and Mayans what happened when those strange White men with scrubby beards appeared.
    Far be it from me to ignore of course free trade with countries like China, with a sterling record of achievement in food and sanitation practices, excelled only by Mexico, where workers give a new meaning to organic farming, and whose technological prowess has dispensed with the need for lavatory facillities in the field.
    My solution would be first
    secure our borders!
    Anyone coming here should be given a real health screening and a shower.
    Throw out the U.N. go clean your own house out, I would add the following words to the Statue of Liberty Don't+" send me your huddled masses and poor" + or We will send them right back to you.
    After removing all the copper first, I would return that horridly dressed statue right back to France .
    Don't buy any food from China or Mexico.
    Deport Mexicans that drink worms with their liquor and kill scores of Americans while drunk.
    Deport Chinese who eat civic cats..imagine eating polite animals
    Keep out south koreans older than 30 ..they still eat dogs, Mans best friend.
    Deport new yorkers..they hot dogs
    Keep out Africans..they eat monkeys
    Keep out Brits..they eat monkey kidneys and brains ..for heavens sake. No wonder they have that dreaded brain disease.
    Deport West Virginians..they eat mountain oysters..yes piggy balls.
    Arrest and deport to the Hague all Environmentalists for genocide..they banned DDT here..and where it was needed most..Africa..yes millions of Africans have died from dengue and malaria, apart from the millions yet to die from Aids.why are they and the UN (unbelievably Naive)silent on that?

    Has anyone heard "you are what you eat?" See how multiculturalism, free trade, and open borders are killing us all?

    I have given this advice free of charge and saved humanity billions of dollars in consultants fees and special commissions and emergency task forces, and time!
    take those monies I just helped you save and do the right thing and leave me in peace..


  2. Anonymous1:58 PM

    "slowly steps back, smiles politely* (thanks, mister ecks)

    Earth to SyS--this is your boarding agent calling. Please return from orbit to the spaceport on your next pass over the grid coordinates. There are some interplanetary TSA agents here who wish to speak to you. Thank you.

  3. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Civic cats?????

  4. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Maybe he meant civet, as in cat-like mammal. But then that would be kind of redundant.

    Perhaps he meant cats with civic ambitions. If the Chicoms became aware of some cats (or even dogs)forming an independent political party, or dressed in suits and top hats asking me to sign a petition for increased political freedoms on an inter-species platform, I'm sure they _would_ be eaten, after a show trial. It is a communist state, after all. 8^}

  5. Anonymous1:46 AM

    "Infectious diseases are now spreading geographically much faster than at any time in history," the WHO said.

    The WHO said WHAT? At any rate, true, if secret government bio labs continue to experiment on whole populaces (especially in Africa) with their "designer diseases."

  6. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I meant to put (sic) after civic..
    It is indeed refreshing to see that If my spell checker does not work, I can rely on Mac's Minions to keep me straight..God bless your precious little hearts and pacemakers! I am in your debt..

