Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Other Side of Truth and Posthuman Blues are now Korff-free, but the Kal K. Korff Watch is just getting started.

The mission statement sums it up:

Throughout time, we have watched the universe, observing its inhabitants and events. We are The Watchers. I am Katu, the Watcher assigned to observe the being known as Kal K. Korff. Normally The Watchers do not take interest in such a homely and lonely earth creature, but this Korff amuses us. Watching and examining this futile little being will provide this Watcher with much humor and a change of pace from the real crises that threaten the universe.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:31 AM

    The signs at the zoo say:
    "Do not feed the animals"

    The implicit sign at the mental institution should say:
    "Pay no attention to the psychopath"
