Sunday, August 19, 2007

Tom Snyder, J. Allen Hynek and my friend Peter Gersten discuss the UFO phenomenon in this 1980 clip:

I like Snyder's sensible, curious approach to the subject. No condescension, no silly allusions, no veiled insults -- just informed questions that allow a casual yet thought-provoking dialogue. Ufology needs more venues of this caliber.


  1. Well said. The other day I stumbled across a "Unexplained Mysteries" type of show on Discover, I think. The title sequence used a photo of what we can now clearly identify as a stealth fighter with landing lights on for the "UFO" segment of the intro. This was a very recently produced docu, and we've known what that particular image is for at least 15 years! I wish more UFO specials on TV would focus on more contemporary sightings and experiences, and current thinking about UFOs, rather than just cutting and pasting archival footage and anecdotes. The show was exactly the kind of thing that keeps an interesting phenomenon sidelined in the "Oddly Enough!" niche.

  2. We "UFO types" call this the "Condon Effect." Google "Condon committee."

  3. Anonymous8:34 PM

    "They're here, they're mighty queer, we better get used to them."

    Now if they would just introduce themselves properly, we could start talking. But, that apparently is not in their game plan. Ask why...or why not.

  4. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Gersten is your friend? Perhaps you should read the following statement from Barry Greenwood to get a better idea of who and what Gersten is really about:
