Thursday, September 20, 2007

Arctic vault takes shape for world food crops

In a cavern under a remote Arctic mountain, Norway will soon begin squirreling away the world's crop seeds in case of disaster.

Dynamited out of a mountainside on Spitsbergen island around 1,000 km (600 miles) from the North Pole, the store has been called a doomsday vault or a Noah's Ark of the plant kingdom.


  1. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Interesting. I hope they have massive refrigeration equipment in place, considering the direction and effects of global warming taking place in the Artic.

  2. And in case of disaster, if all the animals that we rely on for pollination are gone/dead, what good will this do us?

    Eh, I guess we could eat the seeds. :P

    Sorry, feeling pessimistic this morning.

  3. classified in the "If you need it, you're almost certainly dead already" category.

  4. Katie--

    You can *never* feel too pessimistic!


    "If you need it, you're almost certainly dead already"

    You said it.
