Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I bet you thought there were no such things as rectangular galaxies.

Oh, were you ever wrong.

(Thanks: The Speculist.)


  1. Anonymous2:32 AM

    It's _not_ rectangular--

    It's elliptical! And dusty, too!

    Part of the picture _does_ look rectangular, but that may have more to do with the angle of view--look at the stardust periphery--it's ovoid!

  2. Probability is a helluva drug.

  3. The periphery is totally ovoid but the core looks decidedly rectangular to me. Optical quirk? Maybe.

  4. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Well, OK. The "rectangular" part certainly is odd. Technically, though, it might be more accurate to describe the bright outline around the center as "trapezoidal."

    Whatever, it certainly is bizarre.

    Anyone come across data as to _why_ the "bright, trapezoidal outline" area is the way it appears? Do any other imaged galaxies display this very odd appearance?

  5. Anonymous6:15 AM

    To me it looks like Aliens rearranged stars into this widely recognisable shape and by using this universal mathematical language they try to tell us: we do exsist.

  6. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Parallelogram, anyone?

    An engineered galaxy to show others aliens exist? I'd say there are many more ways to show or establish that than restructuring a galaxy. Think of the labor costs involved in moving stars around and keeping them in place! 8^}

    Seriously, though: might this visual effect possibly be due to colliding galaxies?

  7. I have to admit I like the "beacon" idea.
