Friday, September 28, 2007

Now police are told they can use Taser guns on children

Police have been given the go-ahead to use Taser stun guns against children.

The relaxing of restrictions on the use of the weapons comes despite warnings that they could trigger a heart attack in youngsters.

Until now, Tasers - which emit a 50,000-volt electric shock - have been used only by specialist officers as a "non lethal" alternative to firearms.

(Via Night of the Living Jackboots.)


  1. That's, simply, one of the sickest things I've ever read. I'm sure there'll be a new YouTube video of some cop shocking the crap out of a kid in no time.

  2. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I'm not sure how I feel about this. Suppose a teenager was threatening someones life. Would you want the police to use lethal force or a taser? The article was unclear about just what the law stated. Remember, a 17 year old is considered an child, and one with a gun can be very dangerous. The article (like so many others) was written to convince the reader of a point of view rather than giving the reader information to make his/her own decision.


  3. Anonymous10:21 PM

    No Child Left Behind...

    The administration in Washington, D.C., sets the tone for this kind of thing, and clearly the tone for this was set by Bush administration practices of prisoner treatment....

    --W.M. Bear

  4. Anonymous12:44 AM

    >>The administration in Washington, D.C., sets the tone for this kind of thing, and clearly the tone for this was set by Bush administration practices of prisoner treatment....

    This just in: Bush administration responsible for the great Dinosaur Extinction!

    The extent to which people will go to convince themselves that Bush is the cause of all the world's misfortunes never fails to astound me.

    Back to the issue at hand - I think Stan made a good point, and I hope that even more exotic non-lethal technologies will gain more ground such as the disabling beam stuff I keep reading about.

    A technology that is 100 percent non-lethal but instantly disabling to all individuals (from 16 year old kids to 275 pound guys on pcp) is no small feat.

  5. It seems to me that British society is becoming increasingly draconian. They're well on their way to becoming a surveillance state.

    Tasering dangerous criminals is one thing, but I can see this being used to halt anything the government deems "antisocial."

    (Speaking of dangerous criminals, how did The Chimp get dragged into this?)

  6. Anonymous1:25 AM

    My point was just that the Bush administration's application of gestapo-like tactics in various areas of "control" has served as a kind of "inspiration" and model for others to do likewise. The Brits are simply trying to out-Bush Bush in this area and have been ever since they joined the so-called "Coalition of the Willing" to help the U.S. invade Iraq.

    And speaking of "Night of the Living Jackboots," the name for these sorts of tactics in general: The "Bushtapo."
    But don't get me started....


  7. Anonymous3:57 AM

    This just in:
    Bush administration receives legal sanction from the Justice Department to taser pregnant rebellious teenagers! Dangerous fetal protestors must be stopped!
