Sunday, October 14, 2007

Alien Dreamtime: My Fight with Whitley Strieber (Daniel Pinchbeck)

The discussion then turned in a different direction. I noted that, from my reading of Strieber's work, I suspected that Strieber was influenced by the force that the visionary philosopher Rudolf Steiner called "Ahriman," the evil spirit who pulls humanity down into minerality, materiality, sterile technology, and extinction. As I also noted in 2012, I told Strieber that I thought he had been manipulated by alien entities that do not have the best interests of the human species at heart. Communion is ultimately the story of Strieber's seduction by those entities he calls the "visitors" often known as the Grays. He notes that he was going to call the book "body terror," but changed the name to "Communion" when one of them told him to do this, speaking through his wife, while she slept. He also describes how the visitors were able to make him drink a bitter substance, by feeding it to him at different junctures over time. As anyone knows who has studied fairytales and fables, to drink the potion of the other world is to become entranced and overwhelmed by the beings that inhabit it.


  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Mac-- did you hear this show? It was pretty good and, personally, I thought that Pinchbeck made more sense than Strieber (although, imo, that's often not difficult to do). Strieber seemed to deliberately oversimplify what Pinchbeck argued than proceeded to call him a pollyanna or somesuch. The best part was when Strieber said that he and Pinchbeck couldn't be friends anymore.

  2. I want to tread softly on this exchange, being a sideline spectator: has anyone else noted a marked difference between Pinchbeck’s “Breaking Open the Head”, and “2012…”?
    And if so – what have you noticed?

  3. Unfortunately I haven't read either of Pinchbeck's books, but I picked up his "2012" the other night in order to see what the fuss is about...

  4. And no, I missed the show. Is it archived anywhere...?

  5. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Hi Mac,

    I am happy to hear you picked up my book. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it.

    The show is archived at the Unknown Country website but I don't think it is free after the first week.


  6. Hi Daniel,

    I'm really looking forward to "2012." From what little I've read it looks right up my alley. I'll let you know when I post a review.

    Thanks for dropping by.

  7. Anonymous2:50 AM

    I heard this show when it aired. Daniel was right in-line if you ask me. Whitley is the consummate Armageddon ambulance chaser and Daniel hit that stinging nerve which drives Whitley, right on the head.

    The way we think absolutely effects our reality. Whitley is too old school to truly understand the broader message Daniel was trying to get across (and he listens to those pesky dark alien overlords ;) Much like a child who does not question authoritarian figures even when they are wrong ;) )

  8. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Gah! Strieber is too pessimistic and essentially intellectually unstable, and Pinchbeck is far too optimistic, new-age mysterioso.

    Both are wrong about the future, although Strieber may be inadvertently right about a mass die-off, for Malthusian reasons.

    I conclude also that Strieber is hopelessly deluded--check out his characterizatons about "the aliens" in his piece and their purposes and motivations. Severe egomaniacal thought processes are self-evident.
