Saturday, October 13, 2007

Slum Fights: The Pentagon Plans for a New 100 Years' War

According to journalist Rick Weiss, demonstrators at protests in Washington DC and elsewhere have been independently reporting large "dragonflies" (with a bizarre "row of spheres, the size of small berries, attached along the tails") hovering near their rallies. ("'I'd never seen anything like it in my life,' the Washington lawyer said. 'They were large for dragonflies. I thought, is that mechanical, or is that alive?'")

Speaking of paranoia, today I got a FedEx package emblazoned with yellow tape bearing the Department of Homeland Security emblem. Not only had they opened the package, they'd neatly cut into each of the envelopes inside. (The package was overnighted from Toronto and contained books.) Should I be concerned . . . ?


  1. Mac:

    Maybe you should be concerned that tax dollars were wasted. Most likely whoever opened the package was bored or was trying to look busy to justify his job. It's like that Homeland Security helicopter that flies over Plattsburgh, looking for something to do. If they're so busy, why is that helicopter called in as a back-up for normal police ops such as a bust or traffic stop?

    No a dime for national health insurance but all sorts of money poured into a shadowplay that's supposed to make me feel "secure."


  2. You darn subversive! ;-)

  3. No a dime for national health insurance but all sorts of money poured into a shadowplay that's supposed to make me feel "secure."

    My sentiments exactly.

  4. As a Canadian, it is not fair for me to comment. I do not pay taxes in the U.S.A.
    Having said that... I wish more Americans would weigh in on this post - c'mon, what do you think?

  5. elan, I think you'd have a hard time finding too many people who think differently from what ray said amongst those who have really thought it through. This probably encompasses a large part of this country.

    That said, I live in the South now, and attitudes are very different amongst a lot of people down here. It's just a given that this is what's keeping us all alive, because Rush said so. No need to think when you've got Rush doing it for you!
