Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Today's Cronenberg moment:

I suppose I'm a little startled by how readily I identify with the twin gynecologists in "Dead Ringers." Then again, are any of us really "individuals"? I think self-awareness is sufficiently plastic to encompass myriad co-existing personae; just as there's no privileged frame of reference in an Einsteinian universe, we don't "feel" the shift from one mode of consciousness to another (at least without recourse to a diary or blog).

Insert pointed observation about "channeling" here.


  1. Just wait until you see Cronenberg's new work, "Eastern Promises."
    Plays with self-identity like a cat on the prowl.

  2. It's on my list.

  3. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I had intended to insert a pointed comment about channeling here, but my trandimensional twins in the mulitiverses next door said to leave it alone....8^} {^8

  4. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I had intended to insert a pointed comment about channeling here, but my trandimensional twins in the mulitiverses next door said to leave it alone....8^} {^8
