Make Time for a Great Play
Time is running out to see Doing Time, a highly entertaining mystery based on a sci-fi short story by Kansas City author Mac Tonnies and adapted by the play's director Paul Kimball. It is staged in the tiny basement room of the Wired Monk Coffee Shop, which makes for a surprisingly effective space for this particular play. The story is classic sci-fi, but you don't have to be a fan of the genre to enjoy Doing Time.
congrats mac! is paul recording it? would love to see it.
ReplyDeleteThe trip's going nicely. Blogging and email have taken a backseat; I'll catch up when I get back. Paul indeed plans to tape one of the remaining shows (and I'm taking pictures).
Mad Mac, road bloggior! Speeding thru the wilds and deserts of Halifax, a'snappin pix and a'tapin' shows on his wild ride thru Canadian suburbia! When, oh ever when, will he return to the musty enfoldings of Kansas City! Everyone knows Maxc's Kansas City, flat is awaiting! Oh, snarf!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Sounds like quite a hit. You should be proud Mac. :)
ReplyDeleteMac, this is fantastic news! Very happy for you. Will we see it staged in KC?
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing footage when you get back.
Don't know about the play, but Christina Cufarri is gorgeous. A classic beauty. Cor!