Thursday, November 15, 2007

A critical step toward "electronic telepathy"?

Brain Implant Turns Thoughts Into Words

A team of neuroscientists from Boston University have implanted an electrode into the brain of Eric Ramsay, who has been "locked in" - conscious but paralyzed - since a car crash eight years ago, in an effort to translate his thoughts into words.


  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Huh. I also came across this last night. Almost sent it to you.

    Figured I'd sent enough esoteric factoid newsbits already, though.

    Strange minds think somewhat alike? Synchronicity?

    (or, maybe, a little too much idle time or diversionary interests?)

    Pick one of the above and pass in your test papers, please...

  2. Anonymous1:19 AM


    As the story went on to describe, the computer does NOT translate thoughts into words. It displays neural signals from the language area of a patient's brain in a form that allows scientists to INTERPRET the signals as SOUNDS. That's a long ways from translating brain signals into words and, in fact, I predict it ain't gonna happen any time soon....

    --W.M. Bear

  3. "...esearchers say they can correctly identify the sounds Ramsey is imagining around 80 percent of the time."

    Beep!"*ill me."

    Doctors: "What? We don't understand. "ill you?" Pill you? Thrill you?. I mean we are certainly going to Bill you. Damn that 80%!

    Beep! "*ill me."
