Thursday, November 15, 2007

Here's a typically idiotic local news piece about a "ghost" visible in gas-station surveillance footage.

Obligatory chatter about "angels" and "believers" notwithstanding, what is that thing?


  1. Anonymous9:02 PM

    "What the hell is that thing?"

    --SNL Martin/Ackroyd sketch

  2. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Any consider the possibility of a small bit of thin plastic? If it were close enough the image might appear blurry w/o clogging the screen. The projector at college did something semi-similiar to that when paper was placed on it.

  3. Anonymous10:59 PM

    yea i'm thinking the "object" is something extremely close to the lens and therefore blurry. It's not "sitting" on the car windshield, its just located on the lens in the same spot that the car is in the wider field of view.

  4. Anonymous11:23 PM

    an angel! haha! sorry. no self control.

  5. Anonymous1:40 AM

    "Obligatory chatter about "angels" and "believers" notwithstanding, what is that thing?"

    My bet is that somebody somehow hacked the video -- photoshopped it or whatever. That's what it looks like to me, anyway. There's too much "behavior" on the part of the "entity" for it to be anything either natural or an artifact of lighting, weather (ball lightening), etc. Ball lightning, for one thing, simply doesn't last that long, usually only a few seconds.... So -- hoax, hoax, hoax. The owner's probably just trying to drum up business....

    --W.M. Bear

  6. Anonymous3:13 AM

    My best guess is superimposed CGI video effect. Note one man crossing the cement surface between the gas pumps and the store entrance does not react to it, so it's unlikely to be something "paranormal".

    But I don't think it's a plastic bag, something on a string, or an insect. If prosaic, it's probably something very small and close to the lens. But my best guess is a CGI superimposition, i.e., a hoax.
    The "thing" behaves kind of "fishy" to me.

    Bears investigation, either way, in my oh so humble opinion, however.

  7. Anonymous9:56 PM

    It's amazing what minor crap will turn "non-believers into believers".

  8. It's amazing what minor crap will turn "non-believers into believers".

    Indeed. It's sad.
