Thursday, December 13, 2007

Big Machines Parked In Orbit - Black Ops, Star Wars Or ET? Or All Of The Above?

A young man by the name of John Lenard Walson has discovered a new way to extend the capabilities of small telescopes and has been able to achieve optical resolutions - at almost the diffraction limit - not commonly achievable. With this new-found ability, he has proceeded to videotape, night and day, many strange and heretofore unseen objects in earth orbit. The resulting astrophotographic video footage has revealed a raft of machines, hardware, satellites, spacecraft and possibly space ships which otherwise appear as 'stars'...if they appear at all.

Interesting images. Any ideas?


  1. I was intrigued until the end of the article where it is revealed that our amateur astrophotographer not only found a new way to boost telescopic imaging, but also discovered a way to listen to these objects. Seems a little too Buckaroo Banzai-ish for my ken.

  2. Anonymous12:27 AM


    I've been following this one for a long time actually. It's truly fascinating stuff and I hope it comes out from the fringes.

    Walson's work here is important on many levels. What it reveals is a number of unclassified, off-the-books pieces of space hardware, some of which are truly gigantic. One can only speculate but due to the size of some of the objects you have to assume that a portion of these are manned. There's been some good work done to prove that many of these are not the ISS or Shuttle and comparative analysis has already occurred.

    Now obviously NASA knows what these things are as do many world governments. The big questions here revolve around their utility. Are they black ops? Secret space programs? Alien hardware? I would be fascinated with any and all of those possibilities. It brings to the table recent and not so recent leaks about a secret space program. Could this really be the case? Wonderful stuff!


  3. Denny--

    I have to agree with you -- this could be big. ET tech? I doubt it. But the pictures could very well represent some sort of black-ops space presence. Maybe I'll build a scope and start sight-seeing for myself.

  4. Anonymous12:51 AM


    What I love about this case is that they can't simply "hide" their multi-billion dollar hardware from plain sight. Common technologies are allowing us to peer into the heavens and see these things from our backyards with predictable results. It is potentially the biggest UFO story of the decade.

    I know they'll try to spin it but eventually people are going to start asking questions. I have little doubt this is human technology but the fact that it's up there, it's huge and it's hidden is a little frustrating. I want answers and more than anything else, I want to know that "the powers that be" aren't the stupid space phobic buffoons they pretend to be. Having conformable knowledge of a large scale, secret space program would make my day ;)


  5. Denny--

    I know what you mean. Disturbing as it is (if true), the idea of a substantial presence in space (even if secret) is perversely comforting.

  6. I dunno, guys. Is Alexx really the only one here who looks askance at the whole "sound-recording" aspect of this? Not to mention the fact that one of the images looks a lot like the Valley Forge freighter from Silent Running...

    I remain skeptical.

  7. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Yeah, this doesn't sound too promising.

    So no astronomy junior student ever came across these objects on their University scopes? Because I assume all the professional astronomers are part of the conspiracy already...

    This is stuff that should be easily verified by anyone with access to a large telescope, yet I've seen these pictures going around for months or more - they aren't new btw.

    All the "improved telescope" and listening to "alien sounds" using a dish and some wires sounds like a cheesy 60s Russian SF novel.

    And look where all this stuff is peddled: rense and abovetopsecret.

  8. Peter--

    I share your skepticism. For the time-being, I'm coming at this with a "what if?" point of view. We'll see where this leads ... if anywhere.

    BTW, good call re. "Silent Running."

  9. Anonymous12:21 AM

    I don't know gang, I wouldn't throw this one out too quickly. As you so rightly point out, others may have the capacity to confirm these findings.

    I think the whole diffraction limit issue and related "fixes" are paramount to understanding what we are looking at here and who has access to similar star gazing technologies. You can't just pick this stuff up with stock telescopes and more importantly some of the more expensive research scopes don't have this capability. No not all astronomers are "in on the conspiracy" it's more of an issue of not having access to the proper tools.

    Confirmation pending by other sources I would still watch this one closely.


  10. "...discovered a new way to extend the capabilities of small telescopes and has been able to achieve optical resolutions - at almost the diffraction limit - not commonly achievable."

    Nonsense. The Above Top Secret web site's forum on this, includes a photo taken by a reputable amateur astronomer, of the International Space Station, which is crisp and clear, not a vague blur like those that Walson is trying to palm off. Either Walson didn't realize that much clearer pictures can be taken from the ground, or he knew and didn't care, since he knew there were plenty of people who didn't know this, that he could fool with his videos. As described on the Above Top Secret site, he's trying to pull off some kind of movie deal with this footage that he hopes will make him "millions". Too bad he doesn't know how that kind of thing really works either.

    Walson's telescope must indeed be very small to get the lousy pictures he claims to have taken through it. Maybe he's achieved something "not commonly achievable" with a $10 telescope from Wal-Mart. If so, why bother? Better to use the type of telescope used by the person who took the ISS photo. And if there are amateur astronomers who can easily take clear photos, from the ground, of the ISS, wouldn't they have also taken clear pictures of the things Walson claims to have found?

  11. I'll add, in response to Denny's comments:

    "I think the whole diffraction limit issue and related "fixes" are paramount to understanding what we are looking at here"

    That's right, it is paramount to understanding what Walson claims--since other amateur astronomers have taken crisp photos of the ISS, the paramount meaning is that Walson is either using a toy-store telescope, or he's faking the images--either way, he's wasting everyone's time.

    "You can't just pick this stuff up with stock telescopes and more importantly some of the more expensive research scopes don't have this capability."

    Where did you get that idea? You didn't even bother to check this. You just came up with this idea and stated it since you prefer the thrill of thinking that Walson has something.

  12. Anonymous6:06 PM


    I'm not disagreeing with you but your comments tend to overlook the fact that there appears to be some rather large machinery floating around out there which is not within the public sphere of knowledge. Some of these things are obviously not the Shuttle or the ISS.

    Until these observations are confirmed with the same diligence by a second party I don't think either of us can make an assumption either way. And yes Walson is a bit odd but that does not mean his findings are any less fascinating. Sometimes it takes the kooks out there to ask different questions and look where no one else does.

    I'll happily keep an eye on this one even if for the mere entertainment factor thanks ;)


  13. Anonymous6:11 PM


    I forgot to ask you for a link to the Above Top Secret board following this story. I'm always interested to see how people interpret information.

    Thanks in advance!


  14. Anonymous11:30 AM

    "John Lenard Walson" isn't even the guy's real name. It's Simon Anderson.

    He's been promoting these poorly done videos for months.'s a scam and a hoax. This guy "Walson" is a conman, looking for suckers to invest in his fraud. He has associates who are also involved in running this somewhat convoluted hoax.

    You want a relevant ATS link?

    Here's one:

    Here's one from OMF:

    Google "walson", anderson, and gridkeeper.

    This is just the tip of a very dark and repulsive iceberg.

    Same thing I said long ago when the drone/chad hoax got started applies here: it's all a damn fake, hoax, fraud, and con. I hope this is clear enough. Frankly getting pretty tired of this kind of crap.

  15. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Sound from a satellite dish? That can't be right--sound transmission requires a medium like an atmosphere to act as a carrier.

    Remember the old "Alien" movie coda?

    "In space no one can hear you scream." (due to the vacuum)

    He must be referring to using a satellite dish to get digital or microwave signals, not actual sound.

    Gee, unless all of this is a fraud.

    Amateur photography by amateur astronomers with small Celestron 'scopes image the ISS and Shuttle better than this Walson guy--why are his stills and video so relatively poor in quality by comparison?

    And what's with all the pixellation and light flaring? This imagery has been modified in some way. All things considered, this does not look promising or real, to say the least. I suspect this is going to blow up real soon now.

  16. Anonymous2:07 AM


    Thanks for the links. I will devour them whole and get back to you ;)

    On the "Chad" issue however, I'm still waiting for nail-in-the-coffin damning contrary evidence. Did you manage to find some? If so where? And don't bother with the recent Alienware fiasco. They even admitted that they rode the viral nature of the story and retrofitted it to their product push. I DO think it is likely a hoax but like yourself, I can base that on absolutely nothing concrete. I'm still digging however ;)


  17. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Hey Mr.Intense,

    Thanks for the link, it was very revealing but probably not in the way you had hoped. Yes "GridKeeper" is something of a nutter BUT as is revealed in that thread he actually lifted his footage from Jose Escamilla and his upcoming movie .

    It seems that the footage is in fact genuine. From what I could find digging around Mr.Escamilla is actually trying to sue the "Walson crew" for infringement. Say what you want about Jose but I have no doubt the footage is real and untouched. How we interpret the footage is important but I have a pretty easy time believing that this is simply some black ops hardware caught on film.

    Maybe Mac can contact Jose Escamilla and get the scoop on the story??? That would be great!


  18. Anonymous7:56 PM

    "I have no doubt the footage is real"

    Oh, yeah, the footage is real, but what _really is shown_ on the footage should be the question.

    You choose to believe it's "black ops hardware," while I think the footage is fake. The "chad drone" is a fake, a fraud, and a hoax, just like the Simon Anderson footage.

    If, after reviewing all the circumstantial evidence, you don't or won't or can't see that, then all I can say is that we disagree.

    To me, it's obvious. The only remaining question in my mind is why you choose to believe otherwise, in lieu of real evidence.

  19. Anonymous11:29 PM


    What I said was that I would have "a pretty easy time" believing this to be black ops hardware. As I said, our interpretation of what is being seen is what's important here. If Jose Escamilla's techniques for capturing the images are valid then I think it should be looked into further. The whole Gridkeeper aspect of the story is an unfortunate sideline that should be sanitized at all cost. The focus needs to remain on the core material and its validity. Not sure why you can't filter that other garbage from the meat of the story.

    On the Chad issue...I'm still waiting for that "nail-in-the-coffin" proof of hoax you are basing your convictions on. I'm not saying I disagree with you but I am saying that there is no solid evidence either way. Oh sure , there's loads of heated and mostly pompous speculation but nothing of any substance which hasn't been countered. I have a lingering interest in that yarn if for no other reason that all attempts to damn it have consistently fallen short.

    I prefer to stay in a fuzzy state of judgmental suspension when looking at all things fringe. Until I see absolute proof either way it makes no sense to me to jump to baseless conclusions just because the loudest proclaim hoax. It's not a question of belief but one of ever changing critical evaluation. I'm not an idiot and I'm not a blind faith believer in all things fringe.


  20. The footage may indeed be of actual satellites in orbit, but:

    • Just because we, Walson/Anderson, Gridkeeper, etc. don't know what they are, and he haven't provided us with clear enough pictures to determine what they are, it doesn't mean a lot of pre-emphasis, worry, etc. should be placed on the possibility that these are secret satellites, alien craft, etc., just because some of these images look odd, in their blurred condition. They may be communications satellites, etc., and some may even be secret satellites, but we need clearer pictures that can be viewed by people who know what each one is.

    • Better amateur telescopes than Walson is using, and thus clearer pictures, are to be had. Such telescopes are in the hands of amateur astronomers all over the world. I'd like to see pictures from those telescopes. Walson should release the coordinates he used to take his pictures, and see what other people photograph.

    • As for there possibly being real meat in this story, past all the nonsense--the story, as Walson presents it, is practically all nonsense, and deliberately unverifiable stuff, so much so that it's likely it has no meat. I agree that some kooks have some real kernel of something worthwhile in what they presetn, but usually they don't surround their story with as much unverifiability, deliberate obfuscation, weirdness, etc. As a follower of scams in this field for some time, it has all the earmarks of one, and a very clumsy and spaced-out one at that. The only chain of "evidence" Walson seems to present, is his blurry picture of the ISS, next to a clear in-space photo of the ISS, showing that he can indeed photograph the ISS; he then presents images that have optical characteristics (in other words, blurriness) that match his photo of the ISS, hoping that people will naturally imply that these too must be things he's photographed that are in orbit. That may be, but until we know better, it's also possible that his blurry photo of the ISS is actually a photo of a model, and if that's the case, then the other blurry photos may be too. We don't know, and he hasn't helped anyone that he's posted about (at least that I've read), to confirm what’s the case.

    • From what I can tell from reading the Above Top Secret thread, isn't it the case that the source of the initial images was Walson, but that Escamilla put them together, at Walson's request, into the overly long, repetitive video whose ownership they're arguing about now? Correct me if I'm wrong.

    • All these issues I raise, and more, are part of not only a commonsense analysis of these sorts of things, but also part of a formal process of analysis that has been established for any field of inquiry. It boils down to "details matter", and it all has to make sense, be verifiable, etc. Standards of evidence for studying UFO sightings, court cases, etc--they have similarities, and help guide us to find out what the real meat in a thing is.

  21. This whole diffraction limit thing is nonsense. The diffraction limit of a telescope is merely the theoretical resolving power of a telescope assuming the mirror or lens is accurate to 1/4 the wavelength of green light. A better mirror and/or bright point sources like stars allow a 'scope to be used past the diffraction limit; I have used mine past the limit to observe double stars. Even if this crank can observe near the diffraction limit, that's nothing special.

  22. Sebelum membicarakan tentang Obat kutil di daerah alat vital , sebenarnya ada hal lain yang lebih penting dari hal itu, yakni tindakan pencegahan silahkan baca selengkapnya . bila kita melihat lebih jauh dan meneliti beberapa kasus yang ada Obat keluar nanah di kelamin yang paling manjur adalah pencegahan sejak dini, silahkan baca selengkapnya . Dan ternyata ada Obat herbal wasir yang secara alami masih bisa dikonsumsi, silahkan silahkan baca selengkapnya . proses pencegahan sebagai Obat alat vital sakit ini juga perlu dibantu dari orang-orang yang ahli di dalamnya sehingga pencegahan tersebut efektif dan bisa sesuai dengan sasaran, silahkan baca selengkapnya . Penyakit kanker payudara bisa isembuhkan jika ditangani sejak dini dengan Obat herbal kanker payudara . Anda harus mengetahui gejala-gejala kanker payudara agar anda dapat mengobatinya sebelum terlambat silahkan baca selengkapnya . Tapi jika anda sudah terlanjur terkena penyakit ini, maka pengobatan yang harus dilakukan dengan Obat kutil di alat vital , lebih lengkapnya silahkan baca selengkapnya .
