Sunday, December 16, 2007

I finally got the digital photos from my Halifax trip "developed." (I used a disposable digicam and had to wait for a chance to drop it by a pharmacy. Yes, I know I need to upgrade.)

Here's one of me taken in the food-court of a mall. I'm wearing a button that reads "There Is No Mad Tofu Disease."

More to come . . .


  1. I think I see a few unwelcome guests lurking in the shadows...more to come once the image is processed in the proper laboratory...

  2. Mac Tonnies - critically acclaimed playwright!

  3. Elan--

    Uh-oh! ;-)


    Not to mention "world-renowned author" and "controversial paranormalist blogger"!

  4. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Another member of the bald is beautiful club too I see.

    To hell with Hair Club for Men!

    The gals don't know what's good Mac!

  5. Another member of the bald is beautiful club too I see.

    Mine's self-inflicted. Do I still get a membership card?

  6. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Thankfully there really isn't any such thing as "mad tofu disease". Thank you for spreading the good word. :-P Although you may want to check out information that suggests tofu really screws with a human's hormones, not to mention the devastation that a soybean farm causes to the enviroment. IMHO soybeans should be taken in moderation and only in a fermented form. Your button should say "There Is No Such Thing As Mad Lentil Disease."

  7. Anonymous9:46 AM


    Ever feel tempted to grow a mohawk, wear an army jacket, and quietly say to someone, "You talkin' to me?"

  8. The gals don't know what's good Mac!

    Hey, this girl had a crush on Telly Savalas and Yul Brenner as a (very) young'un, and I've loved bald men ever since. :o)

  9. Your button should say "There Is No Such Thing As Mad Lentil Disease."

    I *love* lentils!

    Ever feel tempted to grow a mohawk, wear an army jacket, and quietly say to someone, "You talkin' to me?"

    I doubt I could pull it off convincingly ...

    Hey, this girl had a crush on Telly Savalas and Yul Brenner

    I've seen Brenner in "Westworld." Dumb movie but Yul *nailed* "icily robotic."
