Friday, December 21, 2007

The Year's 10 Craziest Ways to Hack the Earth

Some say the extreme temperatures predicted for the near future call for extreme measures. Others say the solutions could be worse than the problem. In increasing order of unorthodoxy, here are the 10 craziest geo-engineering schemes of 2007.


  1. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Here's a quote I liked:

    Holy Crap George Bush pumps "8.4 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year"?????? That seems like a lot for just one guy. I love reading about science and technology. Yet my interest is instantly turned off and skepticism is instantly raised when it is served with blatant political agenda (as it so often seems to be).

    And that's not counting the methane from all of Bush's brain farts....

  2. The piece could have benefited from leaving out W. Many of us can agree that W.'s environmental sensibilities are MIA, but like the reader you cite above, I think politicizing climate change undermines efforts at real reform.

  3. Anonymous2:36 PM

    10 craziest ways to hack the planet? Um, they left out one. Get all those aliens to invade, post-haste, and eliminate all those viral bipedal fleshopoids! Krang demands it!
