Sunday, January 27, 2008

After much sleuthing through NASA files, I've discovered another provocative photo of what can only be a half-clad Martian woman. Moreover, she appears to be posing for the rover: an incontestable sign of intelligence.

It's unclear if the Martian woman possesses a level of sophistication that would further NASA's technological ambitions. Her scant garb implies a rather primitive origin (although at this early point in the investigation the potential for misdirection can't be sufficiently emphasized).

My high-level contacts at NASA assure me that a diligent study of the female Martian (and her people) is presently underway.


  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Somewhere, Edgar Rice Burroughs nods knowingly.

  2. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Red sky in the morning,
    Astronaut take warning!

  3. If the inhabitants of Mars look like these gals, I am sooooo going...

    She needs someone to, uhm, clean her up. Mac, you hold her while I, er, hose her down. Or something.

  4. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Dear Mac,

    After a very close examination of these Martian woman photos, I am convinced of their authentitcity, and have decided to volunteer for the Martian astronaut program posthaste. After a feverish email campaign to as many people at NASA as I could find, I am happy to announce that I have received a reply from Dr. Luis Alvarez, head of the Custodial Sciences Department, who has assured me that for a small processing fee of $500 he can guarantee that my application will be placed at the top of the stack.

    As of this afternoon, the check is in the mail! I can't WAIT to hear back from them! Soon I will be blogging from the surface of Mars, and dutifully keeping a watchful eye on the woman we see here, for the scientists and astronauts whom I accompany will certainly have little else on their minds but probing her with their filthy little scientific instruments.

    But fear not! My reportage will keep them honest.

  5. David and Duncan--

    Mars ho!

    (Wait -- I suppose that could be interpreted a couple different ways, couldn't it?)

  6. So I guess Mars finally got those women they needed after all.

  7. Anonymous9:20 PM

    She needs someone to, uhm, clean her up.

    I prefer to think of all those little dark things as the Martian equivalent of chocolate chips....
