Saturday, January 19, 2008

Fantastic Japanscapes

The Japanese landscape makes a stunning subject for high dynamic range (HDR) photography, as demonstrated by these images and the 500+ others in the Japan HDR Flickr Photo Pool.

High dynamic range images are probably the closest I'll come to mind-altering drugs. I love their sense of hyper-reality, in which each pixel seems to be straining to impart meaning. Just imagine living in an augmented reality where HDR was the norm.


  1. Anonymous8:48 AM

    HDR is amazing. The results of combining multiple exposures into one photo are captivating to say the least.


  2. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Another great head trip -- the Wikipedia article on High Dynamic Range (HDR) Imaging (to which the Japanese photos drove me) with lots of examples:

    HDR Imaging
