Saturday, January 26, 2008

I couldn't resist.


  1. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I don't blame you Mac, Dejah Thoris was my first fantasy girl.

    I was heart broken when the Mariner probe found craters and no canals.

    Oh yeah, I changed the title of my blog, it's now children of the lens, seekers of tomorrow. It's an homage to 1930s space opera. I have E.E. "Doc" Smith posted today.

    Love your pulp cover!

  2. Dejah Thoris -- what a babe!

  3. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Beautiful, scantily-clad evil women are lurking on Mars, just waiting to stab our astronauts when they arrive. I KNEW it!

  4. Beautiful, scantily-clad evil women are lurking on Mars, just waiting to stab our astronauts when they arrive.

    Beautiful, scantily-clad evil women with perfectly styled hair. ;)

  5. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Urged on by an equally evil Santa Claus in the background....

  6. Urged on by an equally evil Santa Claus in the background....

    What, you thought Mars was exclusively home to hot chicks?
