Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I received an email from a SETI website today. Apparently they're fishing for blogging talent.

And they picked me.

I've made no attempt to disguise my disdain for the cultish attitude adopted by the SETI Institute. I think a rational search for extraterrestrial intelligence should include a wide variety of disciplines, from radio astronomy to archaeology and anthropology. And while trotting out Seth Shostak and Michael Shermer to "debunk" the latest UFO sighting is good news for lazy television journalists, it's an affront to genuine scientific inquiry.

So I'm not sure why I was pre-selected as a potential SETI pundit. Unless, of course, they want someone who'll take the current paradigm to task . . .

I'll keep you posted.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Young Luke ... beware of the dark side of the Force.

    Think you joking am I, hmmmmm?

  3. Anonymous3:24 AM

    "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
    Sun-tzu - Chinese general & military strategist (~400 BC)


  4. Anonymous11:03 AM

    seti.com looks like an adsite--you know, where they really are an ad for products with some interstitial text content to make people think it's an actual site for the few minutes it takes to realize it's actually kind of a bag of crap. Stay far away, young Luke.

  5. Anonymous11:34 AM

    give'em hell Mac!

  6. Anonymous5:51 PM

    You are an excellent writer Mac, so it's no surprise that the "mainstream" might be sending feelers to you.

    Beware of scorpions who want to cross the river though.

  7. I doubt I get the gig. And if I did I'd want to be paid. (I'm assuming, probably unwisely, that they have a budget for that.)

  8. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I somewhat agree with Yoda, er, Anon#2. I'd check out the site carefully if were you, Mac, before accepting any offer to blog from them. Hate to throw cold water but honestly, it DOESN'T look like the SETI Institute's Web site....

  9. Hate to throw cold water but honestly, it DOESN'T look like the SETI Institute's Web site....

    I never thought it was.
