Saturday, January 05, 2008

My condolences to cryptozoologist Loren Coleman (Cryptomundo), the latest in a long list of serious authors and researchers who've attracted the scorn of a certain windbag in Prague. (Here's the post that started it.)


  1. Ugh. Him again. Doesn't Prague have any good shrinks?

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Oh, he's been advised about getting psychiatric help many a time, I can personally assure you.

    But, you see, that presumes he would listen to reason. Within the Korffian universe, that term has very little application, and hasn't for some time now.

    He's quite insane, you see. And I pity the fool, as Mr. T used to say, back in the day.

  3. I like the way he claims to have issued a cease and desist notice on Loren Coleman (although as far as I understand it anyone can issue one by simply stating they are doing it), who he calls a cryptozooFOOLogist (see what he did there?). Also his defence is classic:

    Kal Korff has NEVER had any "girlfriend" in ANY of his video productions. Korff is in fact single, and has no girlfriend.

    Hardly one for the Big Book of Cunning Legal Defences!!

  4. I suspect that KKK saying he doesn't have a girlfriend is the most truthful thing he's said in a loooooong time.


  5. Anonymous11:59 PM

    The fact that KKK thinks the Bigfoot footage is a hoax doesn't mean that it ISN'T a hoax. I, for one, also continue to believe that it's a hoax -- it just always LOOKS like some damn guy in a (somewhat mangy) gorilla suit to me -- even if that puts me in bad company....

  6. Anonymous5:50 PM

    The Patterson-Gimlin film _is_, in fact, a very old, long-exposed, hoax. Ipso facto.

  7. Anonymous5:07 PM

    And now this:

    "To VIEW content in You MUST First Register!"

  8. He's purged his site again, I see. Access if *free*? Oh, wow!
