Thursday, January 03, 2008

Pat Condell rings in the new year with another spot-on condemnation of religion's politically inflated role in American society.


  1. Anonymous9:19 PM

    thank you for this mac. my type of bloke.


  2. Be sure to check out his YouTube channel. He's consistently scathing and witty.

  3. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Amusing fellow. Institutional religion and atheism aren't the only two choices however. And one of my quarrels with this sort of glib (and veddy British) atheism that Pat Condell amusing peddles is just that it does see only this dichotomy. Additionally, many Brits love to put down Americans -- I think this attitude stems from a kind of political inferiority complex or some such -- and he definitely seems to me to fall into this camp....

  4. Additionally, many Brits love to put down Americans -- I think this attitude stems from a kind of political inferiority complex or some such -- and he definitely seems to me to fall into this camp....

    I disagree. Condell is at least as horrified by his own country as he is by the US (and with good reason).
