Thursday, January 03, 2008

Would you vaccinate your child against cocaine?

One interesting effect might be an 'arms race' between illicit drug producers and vaccine makers. As children become 'vaccinated' against the common drugs of abuse, the market for street drugs would fragment and diversify into drugs that don't have vaccines yet.

I can think of other equally dystopian scenarios. How about government-sanctioned vaccinations against creativity for grade-schoolers? (Tell parents their children will be better-behaved and they'll almost certainly comply, at least in the U.S. Because, after all, it's such a seductive trade-off.)


  1. Next thing you know we'll be vaccinating teenagers and college students against hormones and libido. Then sexual organs altogether. A race of monosexual homosapiens, reproducing through good intentions and the Holy Spirit.

    Then when the singularity hits, it'll be impossible to tell the difference between the machines and humans.

  2. Anonymous12:34 PM

    How many people (not just "Americans") would vaccinate their kids to disbelieve in competing deities?

  3. Anonymous2:37 PM

    We already vaccinate our kids against creative/non-academic modes of intelligence. It's called ritalin.

  4. Alex--

    You're quite right. And don't forget 40+ hours of weekly TV viewing!

  5. Anonymous12:44 AM

    How about government-sanctioned vaccinations against creativity for grade-schoolers?

    I think it's called Ritalin. It's basically an oral vaccine with exactly the effect you describe. Do you realize that by now the majority of elementary school children are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder Syndrome (ADDS - or whatever its latest incarnation is) and given Ritalin?

    As far as I can see, this diagnosis is basically just a way to FORCE kids to behave in school. If it had been around when I was in school, I almost certainly would almost certainly have been diagnosed with ADDS. But I spent my time in school daydreaming and staring out the mainly because I was just BORED SHITLESS....

  6. If it had been around when I was in school, I almost certainly would almost certainly have been diagnosed with ADDS.

    You and me both. No doubt about it. Instead I "revolted" by drawing pictures and writing -- and, remarkably, getting in "trouble" for it. What appalling lunacy.

  7. Elan--

    How many people (not just "Americans") would vaccinate their kids to disbelieve in competing deities?

    A very intriguing proposition! Hey, you just watched "Jesus Camp," didn't you? ;-)

  8. Actually, yes - and I recommend the documentary to all of your readers.
    How many Evangelical Christians would inoculate their children against a propensity to question authority, or consider the likelihood of Allah; or critically analyze the scientific basis for biological evolution?
