Wednesday, February 13, 2008

She's "Li'l J" -- and she means business!

I found this at Boing Boing today. The first time I watched it I found it appallingly sad. The second time I found myself giggling. Now I want to make it my cellphone ringtone.


  1. Anonymous11:44 PM

    WTF!? Just once I'd like to see some sub-teen, instead of pretentiously trying to imitate supposed black gangsta patois, try to be creative and attempt to, say, triphop verbally on some obscure variation of Elizabethean English rap while using a Norwegian accent to riff on sub-atomic particle physics. Or something.

    But that's just me. Next! 8^}

  2. Do you suppose she's like that *all* the time? Or is it just a YouTube thing?

    BTW, get a load of the deer head in the background. Does that qualify as "bling"?

  3. Anonymous2:16 AM


    She's how old? She looks like she's been through the ringer a few times already. Sad.

  4. I weep for the youth today.

  5. trust your first impressions - appallingly sad.

  6. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Without insulting this youngster, I at first thought this was an extension of the "tentacle" body modification post. Her eyes are all black, like a shark's doll eyes, and I think she has a bit of the Lovecraftian "Innsmouth Look" to her.

    But please don't forward to this her, I'm afraid she would grab her "homies" from her "crew" and "put a cap in my ass." That's urban slang meaning to murder a person with a firearm.

  7. Anonymous10:25 PM

    That may inspire me to do my "Grumpy Old Fart" routine for YouTube. I could definitely give her a bit of competition when it comes venting personal venom. (I only seem like a calm, eminently rational soul. It's all surface....)

  8. She's how old? She looks like she's been through the ringer a few times already. Sad.

    That's actually the first thing I noticed: she looks inexplicably old, like she's been boozing and puffing Marlboros for 20 years or so. I don't see a "little girl"; I see a crone in the making.

  9. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Her profile on YouTube indicates she was "18" nearly a year ago.

  10. Her mascara's running. Poor little munchkin.

    (Fifty bucks says the drum set belongs to her father/stepdad/mom's bf.)
