Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Binary 'deathstar' has Earth in its sights

A spectacular, rotating binary star system is a ticking time bomb, ready to throw out a searing beam of high-energy gamma rays -- and Earth may be right in the line of fire.

[. . .]

"When it finally explodes as a supernova, it could emit an intense beam of gamma rays coming our way", said Peter Tuthill, lead researcher of the team that report their findings in the current Astrophysical Journal.


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    AHH....Jeez! On top of my normal anxiety, paranoia, and depression... now this, "This means we are peering down the barrel of a gun". I'm gonna need more xanax pleez!


  2. Anonymous8:41 PM

    One more damn thing to worry about.

    But hey, anon, lay off the xanax. That stuff is hazardous to both your mental and your physical well-being, despite medical claims to the contrary....
