Monday, March 31, 2008

The fifth issue of FLURB is live. Dig in!


  1. Anonymous12:04 AM

    One of the stories in this ish of Flurb (Bisson's "Captain Ordinary") makes reference to the secret spacetime portal in certain Starbucks:

    "Unnoticed by all except a select few, every third Starbucks has a narrow door between the broom closet and the unisex john/jane. Captain Ordinary’s decaf soy latte order got him the key."

    I have to ask--can you confirm if this is indeed true?

  2. I have to ask--can you confirm if this is indeed true?

    I wouldn't know. It's *decaf*, man!

  3. Anonymous12:18 AM

    That's spelled "Malkovich," bonehead! And get out of our minds!

  4. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Hey! I paid my $200 for my 15 minutes--I'll leave when my time is up, get dumped by the side of some Jersey turnpike, and not before!

    for clarification regarding this weirdly involuted debate.]

    But, thanks for the spelling correction re: "Malkovich."

    Ahem. Well, Mac, all I can suggest regarding Bisson's spacetime portal allegation is, if some client orders a decaf soy latte, keep an eye on them to see where they go, or if they try to use some key to get into Starbucks broom closet! 8^}
