Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Make Solar Lamps Not War - Nobel Scientist

One billion people can get electricity for the first time for little more than the cost of one month's war in Iraq, said Rajendra Pachauri, the head of a Nobel peace prize-winning UN panel of climate scientists.

[. . .]

Pachauri compared the $15 billion cost of providing solar-powered lights to a billion people with a reported cost of the US-led military campaign in Iraq of $12 billion a month.

He described that perceived mis-match in resources as "one of the biggest tragedies that the world can be guilty of".


  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Tragedy isn't even close.

    Crimes against humanity fit better.

  2. Crimes against humanity fit better.

    The whole spectacle leaves me speechless. Does. Not. Compute. Get me the hell off this fucking planet.
