Monday, March 24, 2008

Radiation Kitty

Yesterday I visited the site of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine. I spotted this little fellow just outside the 10km exclusion zone, where we stopped for lunch. He looked happy and healthy, and was certainly very friendly (and yes, I know he's not strictly a kitten, but I thought you'd like to see him anyway). Animal life in the area, after originally suffering terribly (all small mammals were dead within a couple of years) has actually flourished since the accident, and the absence of humans for two decades has done more to benefit wildlife than radiation has damaged it.


  1. Anonymous4:06 AM

    After 22 years, I guess I'm not entirely surprised to see that a cat is doing well. I mean, that's what they do - cats survive.

  2. Anonymous1:55 PM

    When it purrs, does it set off the geiger counter?

    What does it eat if the smaller mammals are gone?

  3. Dane--

    I mean, that's what they do - cats survive.

    Maybe that's why I like 'em.


    When it purrs, does it set off the geiger counter?

