Sunday, March 23, 2008

Since I don't typically get a lot of Sunday traffic, I have relatively few qualms about linking to this ridiculous post. Make of it what you will. I suspect this is an attempt to "provoke" me. Or something. Whatever the case, it's good for a pensive chuckle.


  1. Anonymous12:45 AM

    ive posted here in the past kicking your ass mac but only a moron could have written that post over on provacateurs, and a juvenile moron at that. obviously no-count adolescents over there and nothing more.

  2. Mac,

    Have you seen this post:

    I like that blog, but this was pretty strange. Edward Condon a secret commie? I'd be interested in your take on that.

  3. I like that blog, but this was pretty strange.

    I think "creepy" is the operative word.

    As for Condon being a closet Communist: suffice it to say I really doubt it.

  4. Anonymous2:35 AM

    It seems like every second or third post there is a "x sucks" rant. I anxiously await the publishing of the original research steeped in scientific methodologies and discipline that has been promised.

  5. I anxiously await the publishing of the original research steeped in scientific methodologies and discipline that has been promised.

    Don't hold your breath. :-)

  6. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Don't hold your breath.

    I'm not.

    Are the authors actually known or are they anonymous? The reason I ask is that the whole family of blogs almost reads like the product of a certain secret agent from Prague. I could be imagining this...something about the use of the RRR and the fixation on Kimball, Bishop and you.

  7. The reason I ask is that the whole family of blogs almost reads like the product of a certain secret agent from Prague.

    Good. I'm not the only one who's noticed.

    Yes, there's that same obsessive vibe that virtually shouts "all is not right" ... although, to my knowledge, said "secret agent" never went after Bishop. Score one for the "RRR Group." (BTW, I took the photo in question while in LA in 2006.)

  8. Anonymous7:01 AM

    And the mid-lifers will stomp and fume that they are the new carriers of the UFO light, but that will be seen for the silliness it openly flaunts.

    Tsk, tsk, not very nice!

    I too await said scientific revelations with bated breath.

    And then I gave a courtesy flush.

  9. Anonymous9:31 AM

    "without aligning themselves with those who use the UFO phenomenon for social-networking and “have-a-good-time” parties."

    all work and no play makes Jack a dull something. Enjoy yourselves boys, life is but a fleeting moment.

    taking the liberty to rearrange the
    bloggers own words...

    "Meanwhile, the new breed will prevail, and the UFO mystery shall be solved, by them, and they will stomp and fume that they are the new carriers of the UFO light, but that will be seen for the silliness it openly flaunts."

    I giggle in anticipation of revelation. Thanks for the heads up Mac, it's truly comforting to know that serious scientific inquiry and the answers we so desperately seek are just around the corner.


  10. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Rich Reynolds and those few young guys who constitute his cultish RRR Group are the actual "agent provocateurs," and they and RR are mentally and emotionally disturbed.

    There is some diseased, pathological factor operating there. They seemingly can't help but lie and confabulate continuously, feebly attempting to smear anyone who does not agree with their brand of lunacy.

    Reynolds is one seriously, deeply twisted individual.

  11. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Since you and I are the same age, Mac - I'm guessing that when we're called "middle age" - these guys are, well, about what... 15?

    And what's up with that Alistair McCallum guy? He looks like he stepped out of A Flock of Seagulls.

    "And I ran... I ran so far away..."

    That picture alone was worth more than a chuckle. :)

  12. Mac,

    Anonymity gives one a lot of freedom.

    I took the bait, but I was civil. He actually treated you better than the rest.

    I had no idea that I wanted to "take over" ufology with you and Nick et al.
