Thursday, May 29, 2008

Diminutive glowing men in Argentina?


  1. Anonymous3:17 AM

    I liked the detail about the miniature man having a repulsive magnetic field. And wearing pants.

  2. Yes, the pants are a nice touch. But for once I'd like to see some ufonauts in ties and suspenders!

  3. I still fail to understand how a magnetic field would repel people, unless they were wearing ferrous armor.

  4. "Force field" would have been a better term.

  5. Anonymous10:28 PM

    "But for once I'd like to see some ufonauts in ties and suspenders!

    Yes! And black cowboy hats and boots, too! Twisted little trickster mind-fuckers, talking backwards--oh, wait--I must have been channeling an episode of "Twin Peaks"--or a juvenile MIB--never mind... 8^}

  6. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Uhm...(cough)...have you seen the "witness drawing" of the "little man" associated with this story? You really have to see the sketch: (animated 3D version)

    Unbelievably, he _is_ shown wearing suspenders, of the odd, old-fashioned, child's crossover "X"-type, attached to a rather loose-fitting pair of pants--are those tailored lederhosen, or what? And, the suspenders and pants appear either tartan plaid or quilted! Whatever happened to the standard, skin-tight, silvery suits? Oh, yeah--almost forgot--those are reserved for the big-black-eyed grayliens. Forgive me. Mediame culpa.

    (Where do all these "guys" shop for clothes, anyway, I wonder? Can't be some local "Big and Tall"--perhaps "Strange and Disturbingly Ridiculous" outlet, somewhere/when? "Small and Short," at the Venusian strip-mall?)

    But, no tie, Mac---bow, string, or otherwise. Disappointing, that. Though I did appreciate and enjoyed Greg's "ferrous armor" comment. Gotta laugh out of that.

    And what's with the bizarre upswept hair? Looks a little like the early "Bozo the Clown"-style know, considering this story came out of South America, (via/translated by Scott Corrales, who, curiously, seems to come across an extraordinary number of rather bizarre ufo and entity encounter cases from that continent--inexplicata, indeed, imho), I can only bemusedly assume somebody must have partaken of "the divine vine" (ayashuasca), or mebbe a little vino--the drawing of the "little man" reminds me somewhat vaguely of the "machine elves" of Terence McKenna fame/infamy, or some freaky, leprechaun-like figure--calling David Lynch, or perhaps Mr. Cronenborg...

    Of course, attempting to keep an open mind about all this, I guess it's possible some twistoid, non-human intelligence may have presented itself via some 3D "display" of a diminutive humananoid, complete with force field, for those old trickster or self-denying reasons, in order to inject the story or cultural meme into the media-chaff mix, as it were, but I'm guessing it's much more likely someone is telling tall tales, which is par for the "alien entity" course, if one chooses Ockham's ancient old razor in a case like this.

    The sketch of the figure in this case certainly has an historically "mythic" appearance, to say the least. I'm still waiting, however, for a dwarf-like figure to appear in the sartorial splendor of cowboy hat and boots...

    There are definitely some weird things going on with South American UFO/entity reporting--remember the somewhat recent story of the tree cut down in another South American case that resulted in a strange single-file procession of even smaller humanoid figures marching out and away? That was also rather...ahem... ne plus ultra outré.

    But, as intriguing as all that is, I think I've had enough, to say, for now--my frontal lobes are uber-oscillating in Borgesian perplexity. Or something. Probably the java. Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius! Klaatu barada nikto? How absolutely Argentine. [Take all of this with at least a few provenance-ial grains of Salta...] Heh!? 8^}

  7. Intense Involuntary - you have such a droll sense of humor. Have you considered becoming a nightclub act?

    -- Scott Corrales
