Monday, May 19, 2008

From my new SETI post:

The "Kardashev Scale" has become a mainstay among futurists seeking to plot humanity's own future. But while not without its usefulness, Kardashev's model remains speculative. There's no guarantee that a high-technology ET civilization will abide by his template, however sensible it might seem. The Kardashev Scale assumes, for instance, that aliens will share our own imperialistic sensibility. In truth, they might be far less aggressive, requiring less energy than we might expect; there's no readily apparent reason why even the most resplendent of civilizations would require the resources of an entire galaxy.

One can think of any number of activities that might engage ET societies; our evident failure to observe Type III civilizations is hardly proof that ETs don't exist.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:35 AM

    =Ultimately, the Kardashev Scale serves as an engaging speculative exercise. Unfortunately, like the Fermi Paradox, it's evolved into a sort of cosmic doctrine, eagerly defended by pundits who seem genuinely incapable of realizing its anthropocentric limitations.=

    Terrific article. I think this "speculative exercise" turned "cosmic doctrine" is similar to what's taking place with evolutionary sciences, and a lot of theoretical procedures. Some things are so speculative, that you have to have an aura of firm definitiveness, lest religious fundamentalist types continually try to pick away at your legitimacy.

    Uniformity turns into conformity, information becomes stale over the decades, and new definitions and terminology aren't always forthcoming as attention to detail is sometimes spread too thinly. The "cutting edge" is often a pre-approved, corporate endorsed, mishmash of misdirection, which takes the job of both creating, and following, pop culture trends.

    Science and theoretical physics, interdimensional and multi-spatial existence and awareness -discovery- needs to become "cool" again, and appeal to as wide a group of people as possible. It needs to move beyond technical manuals, PBS specials and IMAX presentations.

    In many ways, the responsibility needs to be lessoned from the genius mathematicians and college professors, into the territory of "common domain". Allowing everyone to take a stab at these vast notions and ideas, despite what might be perceived as their lack of educational background.

    We're all "psychic voyagers" and while we might not always be able to articulate the complexities, the future of science, physics, metaphysics or otherwise, should be the equal responsibility of the whole of humanity. Not just a select few who dictate the knowledge and information by the guidelines of pre-approved standards.
