Friday, May 30, 2008

Terence McKenna: "Conspiracy theory is a kind of epistemological cartoon about reality. I mean, isn't it so simple to believe that things are run by the Grays and that all we have to do is trade sufficient fetal tissue to them and we can solve our technological problems."


  1. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Well, no one said Terence was perfect ;) I mean, I generally worship the guy but...

    I would call that a gross oversimplification of information he very obviously didn't delve into too deeply (even though I like the mental paradigm he presents). Which is really very surprising considering his mind. You would think of all people, Terence would allow that reality into his head instead of relegating it into the realms of conspiracy or some kind of subconscious primal programming. Conspiracy "theories" are only theory when there is nothing to back up the claim. That's obviously not the case with governments across the planet now relinquishing years of clandestine research into the subject.

    But I suppose that's the antithesis of McKenna. Everything is an internal journey with him and with good reason. I think there's a more delicate interplay between the inner and outer realities.


  2. Anonymous5:09 PM

    If you are not paranoid, then you must be detached. We are talking about McKenna here after all, and I say that with all due reverence.


  3. Anonymous11:15 PM

    LOL...well said.

    Pass the DMT Terence.


  4. You guys actually *listened* to McKenna's voice-over? I was too busy watching the hot chicks in those beer commercials! ;-)

  5. Anonymous3:48 PM

    good post

  6. Anonymous12:17 PM

    McKenna has a way of saying things, and even if one doesn't agree with what he is saying, his voice and tonal inflection makes one smile anyway. He was truly a blessing to mankind.

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