Saturday, July 19, 2008

I want to live here.


  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I dunno, Mac. While the tower complex looks pretty cool, and might forestall evil villain attacks somewhat, wouldn't all those creepy-faced brown metallic babies crawling around at night be slightly disturbing?

    I know they'd wreak havoc with my personal medulla oblongata! 8^}

  2. I'm sure Franz Kafka and M.C. Escher would approve.

  3. The bad news is that I'd be neighbors with Kal Korff!

  4. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Oh, Lord...that might even be worse than creepy-faced crawling brown metal babies perambulating around your "Tower of Strength."

    Better call the whole thing off before it's too late. Or Korff makes another video with Martina. Then we'd all be doomed! 8^}

  5. The tower is cool, but the baby sculptures? *shudder*

    I'd lie in bed at night, terrified, thinking, "Giant babies are gonna eat meeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
