Friday, July 11, 2008

A must-read post for anyone intimidated by pseudoskeptical rhetoric:

How Secret Was Mogul?

Researcher Kevin Randle points out that Project Mogul, the program the Air Force insists can explain the alleged crash of a "flying saucer" in Roswell, is an exceedingly poor candidate.

(Once again, I should qualify my comments by pointing out that the Roswell case remains unresolved. Just because Project Mogul fails to explain it doesn't mean that the events at Roswell involved extraterrestrials. Indeed, the ET mythos that surrounds the case could very well be a smokescreen for a terrestrial project deemed unfit for public consumption even sixty years later . . .)


  1. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Was Mogul always meant as a disinformation ruse. Randle clearly believes it was. There seems to be plenty of information that backs up his and others observations on this issue.

    Of course that doesn't answer the question of what actually happened, but it should help eliminate Mogul as a realistic possibility.

    It's no wonder Roswell continues to fascinate.


  2. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I've often wondered if the 'crash' at Roswell was actually a Vatican/Jesuit black ops project. They had technology that was 10 years ahead of known methods, and purposefully crashed in order to play a psyops on not only the public, but the military and world governments as well. If 'aliens' were found in the wreckage, they were genetically modified humanoids meant to look like something "otherworldly". This scenario could also explain some of the "back engineering" stories that we hear so much about.

    Seriously, just some earthly force of great wealth and tech savvy, a decade or two ahead of the 'norm', which used Roswell as a multi-faceted psyops. Perhaps not so far fetched, especially when considering how far along the NAZI's were with this research throughout the war.

  3. Mogul looks plausible to someone who hasn't researched the issue -- and that's precisely the problem: if someone dares question it, they're accused of "wanting to believe" and dismissed.

  4. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Check it, Mac.

  5. Anonymous4:26 PM

  6. Anonymous9:37 PM


    The "Roswell Rock?" The only real question that raises is just how gullible some people, like the mayor of Roswell, quoted in the article, really are, or how vested Roswellians, like the mayor, are in tourist dollars.

  7. how vested Roswellians, like the mayor, are in tourist dollars.


  8. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Actually, I think the "rock" replicas will make a marvelous gift for Xmas or even Mother's Day. I can foresee pendants, earrings and maybe even a belt buckle or two.


  9. Where's my paperweight?

    Wait . . . I don't use paper anymore . . .

  10. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Oh, yes you do! Admit your crimes against trees before it's too late! (I presume that some papyrus derivative is involved in at least occassional notes and/or sketches, eh? Right? <---nudge, nudge, wink, wink ;') )

    No such thing as the "paperless office." They're called "printouts." I ran a computer-based Mac repair, upgrade, and consulting business for almost 15 years, and I've never generated more paper in printout form before or since.

    And, as an aside, if you only use the computer to write with, you might want to occassionally try writing in longhand, or editing printouts by hand, as changing the modality or form of expression, such as writing by hand, can provide differing intellectual and expressive benefits. YMMV

    Try it--you might like it! If not, then back to the laptop with you, techno-knave! Heh...(snarf!) 8^}

    [Do I get a rockin' Roswell doorstop for this impertinent suggestion? What!? No? Oh, well...garsh.]
