Friday, July 04, 2008

A prototypical flying saucer lands in the dated but still-effective "The Day the Earth Stood Still."

I'll probably go see the remake out of obligation -- which, of course, is exactly what the film-makers want me to do -- but I hardly expect it to wield the sheer cinematic power of the original.


  1. Anonymous5:43 AM

    This is one of my all time favorite films. Considering the time in which it was released I think it was a powerful film.


  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I agree with Mac, how do you remake an icon?

    "Gort, Klaatu barada nikto!"

    Sorry, couldn't resist!

  3. ...and without the great "outer space" score composed by Bernard Herrmann, it will pale by comparison.

  4. Anonymous2:18 AM

    The film opens on Dec. 12th of this year. Keanu Reeves stars as Klaatu. It will be rather unlike the 1951 Robert Wise film. Whoah...
